
Discover all the things to do in Pond Creek.
Our Services
Pond Creek Public Library is located at 102 S. 2nd. Please call for hours 580-532-4241
Real Estate
The City of Pond Creek currently has residential lots for sale. Lots range in size from 50’ x 200 and 50’ x 170. THESE LOTS ARE FOR RESIDENTIAL HOUSING.
Pond Creek Motel 123 HWY 60 & 81 580-532-4236
Pond Creek Inn 123 South 4th Street 580-532-4236
Public Parks
Hours - Dawn to Dusk
• Johnson Park, corner of Cherokee and Cedar
• School Park, corner of Broadway and Apache
• Creekside Park, corner of Broadway and 5th St.
• The Pond Creek Swimming Pool is located at 126 S. Apache.
Mon. - Sat. 1:00 - 6:00 pm
Sun. 2:00 - 6:00 pm
Parks are located all over town for the enjoyment of Pond Creek citizens.